New Retail Box Art

One of the many things I've been doing while getting Mothership ready for mass production is preparing some new artwork for the retail version of Mothership.

The Limited Edition Box featured in the Kickstarter campaign will only be around for about 1000 copies. The artwork above will be on the box in the future. Read on to hear more about the creative process.

In case you hadn't noticed, it's very similar  to my original vision:

Spaceships flying toward each other in a flurry of laser fire, I feel, perfectly captures the feeling of Mothership and its combat-heavy gameplay.

One aspect I love about handling all the development myself is how much my skills have improved over the course of this massive project. The initial art was made about a year and a half before the new version. In that time my knowledge of 3D rendering, Photoshop, Illustrator and my latest program Paintstorm Studio has increased and helped me to make a significantly better version of the box.

The resolution this picture was created at is the highest I've ever attempted, over 5 megapixels! This is because I needed a 300 dpi picture on the box which has a maximum size of 32cm x 32cm. Raster art in high resolutions is tricky, especially when looking for stock photos for textures. I got there eventually of course and I hope you enjoy the result!


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